Los 2993
Leon, protospatharios, grand kourator and judge of Anatolikon, 2nd half 10th-early 11th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 12.85 g, 12 h). MHP - ΘV The Mother of God “Hodegetria”, nimbate, wearing chiton and maphorion, pointing with her right hand towards Infant Christ seated on her left arm. Rev. +ΛЄO[N]/T’ A’CΠAΘ, / MЄΓALⲰ K૪/PATⲰP, S KP[I]/T, TⲰN ANA/TⲰΛIKⲰN in six lines. Taktikon p. 656, no. 23. An exceptional seal of an important provincial official with a splendid Hodegetria. Struck on a small blank and some minor roughness, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

As Cheynet observes is his edition of the parallel in the BnF, the office of megas kourator implies that Leon was the head of the civil administration in the Anatolikon theme. He combined this high office with being the highest judge in the province as well. Our seal could well belong to the same individual who was epi ton deeseon and judge of Anatolikon, considering the remarkable resemblance of the Hodegetria on the obverses of the seals (BBÖ II, 171. DO Seals I, 71.14).
75 CHF
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